In Stitches Friendship Group

I recently visited with the In Stitches Friendship Group.
They originally began meeting about the time the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild was formed.   They meet on the 4th Monday evening each month at the office of one of our members.  Currently, there are about a dozen quilters in the group.  Membership is 'By Invitation' and limited due to meeting space.  Activities over the years have 'run the gamut'!  Originally taking turns 'demo-ing' quilter tricks & tips, they are now big on 'Show & Tell' and chattering and eating!  :-) 

Projects have included a mystery quilt; a block exchange of 14 red/white/blue blocks for five months; for several months, they traded 'nickel' (5 ") yellow and blue fabric squares; they have had several "Cutting Bees" (following the Fons and Porter Love of Quilting May/June 2000 instructions); they traded "Trail Mix" blocks for over a year; they swapped chicken blocks; one year was spent making "Birthday Blocks" for the Birthday Girl; they were the "Featured Friendship Group" at the Adult Center in May 2007; along the way, there was a "Camel Challenge" (requiring blue, green, a Scottie dog, a tree, and a crazy quilt); there was a flower block slice & dice exchange (similar to making Bull's Eye blocks); and the occasional Saturday Sew-Day. 

Christmas always means a group night out at a favorite restaurant or a members home and a gift exchange. 
Most years, they draw names and make quilts for our secret Santa's. 

Since 2004, they have been going annually as a group to Bear Cabin Inn.
Where they stay for 4 days and do some intense sewing.

 As they don't meet in homes, it was decided to have a Sewing Room Tour, so they could see each other's sewing space.  They have done this twice but still have one more to see everyone's sewing room.   As it is also a "Progressive" lunch, with three Sewing Rooms on the agenda, it pretty much takes all day--but what fun!

In summary, the In Stitches Friendship Group does everything it is supposed to:  enhances the sisterhood of quilters, maintains high enthusiasm and interest in the wonderful world of quilting, and solves all the problems of the world!!  They encourage all of you to get into a Friendship Group whenever you get the chance.  It will change your life and make your hearts glad.

Made by Carolyn Edwards

Antique quilt blocks shown by Carolyn Edwards

Antique Quilt shown by Carolyn Edwards

Made By Julie Hussey

Made by Kathy Beeson

Made by Sandy Mitchell